I love reading (no duh), reading, and reading. I'm kind of obsessed with Tumblr, and I love reading. I'm a sucker for pretty pictures (although i suck at taking them), and again, I live on the internet. I make aesthetics, but I can't do it very well, so mostly I attempt at making them and let people laugh at me. I have an obsession with Dan and Phil.
This is my first blog, so any advice would be appreciated.
b l o g c r e a t e d : m a r c h 1 , 2 0 1 5
add me on social media:
p e r s o n a l t u m b l r : beegdog.tumblr.com
a e s t h e t i c s t u m b l r : bookaesthetiics.tumblr.com
t w i t t e r : twitter.com/bookfanwarrior
i n s t a g r a m : instagram.com/winnersbookthief
g o o d r e a d s : goodreads.com/winnersbookthief
favorite books: harry potter, percy jackson, legend, lunar chronicles, since you've been gone, throne of glass, an ember in the ashes, raven cycle, winner's trilogy
things i'm obsessed with: books, tumblr, artsy pictures, food, youtube, spotify, and neatness.
So hopefully you'll hop around this blog, and I'll see you around!
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