Top Ten Tuesday is a meme held by the ladies at The Broke and Bookish.
This week's theme is: Top Ten Authors I've Read The Most Books From
Well, I have a confession- I've never done a Top Ten Tuesday before. I know, *gasp*. But today seemed like a fun topic, so I decided, why not? BUT...I have a problem...I have, like, lots of ties. So I don't know what I'm going to do xD.
Well, number ten. A seven way tie. I've read four books from each of these authors. Some of these are my absolute Marie Lu and Marissa Meyer :D
Kiera Cass // Author of the Selection Trilogy
I've read the original Selection trilogy, plus one of the novella bind ups. Does that count?? Yeah, too late.The Selection trilogy is one of the most freaking addicting books ever. I guess that's good....?
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Michael Scott // Author of the The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel Series
I've read the first four books, and until recently, I thought there were only four books. However, I found out there were six recently...and sorta lost interest. I read these books in elementary school, but they are still good.
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Veronica Roth // Author of the Divergent Trilogy
I've read the Divergent Trilogy, of course, and Four, the bind up. Apparently she's writing a new book about Star Wars...even though Allegiant wasn't that well written, I'm really intrigued about what she's doing next!
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Marissa Meyer // Author of the Lunar Chronicles Series
Oh my gods, oh my gods, oh my gods. I've read the first three books, plus Fairest. Marissa Meyer is an AUTO-BUY author. I love her books so so much, and I can't even express my feelings for Winter. aklsdf;akjds;lfakjlsd;fkja;lsdkj SO EXCITED ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
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Tahereh Mafi // Author of the Shatter Me Trilogy
I've read the Shatter Me trilogy, and the novella. Can I just be the 10238401928341824th to say that her writing is gorgeous? Because seriously, it's just hella beautiful. She's writing a new book, and I'm really really excited. :D Plus, Ranhereh is just goals AF.
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Marie Lu // Author of the Legend Trilogy and the Young Elites Trilogy
AUTO-BUY. Anything Marie writes, I'll buy. I've read the Legend trilogy, and the first book in the Young Elites trilogy. I love love love her soooo sooo much. I love Day and June, and admire her for taking a new route with Adelina, traveling to the dark way. alskd;falksd;falk I LOVE HER SO she's Asian. we need more Asian authors.
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Lois Lowry // Author of the Giver Quartet
I didn't pick up a Lois Lowry book until recently, but I just love her stories. I read Number the Stars(I was about to write Counting Stars... ONE REPUBLIC <3) in elementary school, and that story touched me in so many ways. During winter break, I binge-read the Giver Quartet, and I loved it just as much.
Pittacus Lore // Pseudonym of the Author of the Lorien Legacies series
This series has an interesting take to it, even though it's really easy to figure out what's going to happen next, they are so addicting.
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Sarah J. Maas // Author of the Throne of Glass Series / Princess of Fantasy
Must I say more? JK Rowling's apprentice, the princess of fantasy. I'm so hella excited to see a new generation of amazing fantasy. F*ck yeah!
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Three? Three.
JK Rowling // Author of the Harry Potter Series / Queen of Fantasy
Need I say more? I've read the Harry Potter series, and they created my love for reading. I have to thank Jo for she's done, because I'd never be that hyperactive fangirl without her.
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Ally Carter // Author of the Gallagher Girls Series
Everything Ally Carter writes, I'll probably read. She's writes the most interesting mysteries, a genre I don't really read. Also, her writing and stories are so fun and mysterioussssssssss....
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John Flanagan // Author of the Brotherband Chronicles and the Ranger's Apprentice Epic
Yes, I realize he's middle grade. I've only read the first five books of the Ranger's Apprentice, and the first four books in Brotherband, but his fantasies are so interesting, about pirates and ships and yayyyy! :D
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Ahhhh...the very last two.
Rick Riordan // Author of the Percy Jackson series, Heroes of Olympus series, Kane Chronicles trilogy / Professional Troll / King of Fantasy
TROLL. TROLL. TROLL. But seriously, I love you, Uncle Rick. I've read 19 books by him. Does that prove I love his books?
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Cassandra Clare // Author of the Mortal Instruments series and Infernal Devices trilogy / Queen of Urban Fantasy
This bada*s lady has the best ideas for fantasy books. Seriously. 12 Books about Shadowhunters and I'm not tired of 'em.
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Well, number ten. A seven way tie. I've read four books from each of these authors. Some of these are my absolute Marie Lu and Marissa Meyer :D
Kiera Cass // Author of the Selection Trilogy
I've read the original Selection trilogy, plus one of the novella bind ups. Does that count?? Yeah, too late.The Selection trilogy is one of the most freaking addicting books ever. I guess that's good....?
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Michael Scott // Author of the The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel Series
I've read the first four books, and until recently, I thought there were only four books. However, I found out there were six recently...and sorta lost interest. I read these books in elementary school, but they are still good.
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Veronica Roth // Author of the Divergent Trilogy
I've read the Divergent Trilogy, of course, and Four, the bind up. Apparently she's writing a new book about Star Wars...even though Allegiant wasn't that well written, I'm really intrigued about what she's doing next!
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Marissa Meyer // Author of the Lunar Chronicles Series
Oh my gods, oh my gods, oh my gods. I've read the first three books, plus Fairest. Marissa Meyer is an AUTO-BUY author. I love her books so so much, and I can't even express my feelings for Winter. aklsdf;akjds;lfakjlsd;fkja;lsdkj SO EXCITED ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
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Tahereh Mafi // Author of the Shatter Me Trilogy
I've read the Shatter Me trilogy, and the novella. Can I just be the 10238401928341824th to say that her writing is gorgeous? Because seriously, it's just hella beautiful. She's writing a new book, and I'm really really excited. :D Plus, Ranhereh is just goals AF.
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Marie Lu // Author of the Legend Trilogy and the Young Elites Trilogy
AUTO-BUY. Anything Marie writes, I'll buy. I've read the Legend trilogy, and the first book in the Young Elites trilogy. I love love love her soooo sooo much. I love Day and June, and admire her for taking a new route with Adelina, traveling to the dark way. alskd;falksd;falk I LOVE HER SO MUCH.
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Lois Lowry // Author of the Giver Quartet
I didn't pick up a Lois Lowry book until recently, but I just love her stories. I read Number the Stars
Pittacus Lore // Pseudonym of the Author of the Lorien Legacies series
This series has an interesting take to it, even though it's really easy to figure out what's going to happen next, they are so addicting.
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Sarah J. Maas // Author of the Throne of Glass Series / Princess of Fantasy
Must I say more? JK Rowling's apprentice, the princess of fantasy. I'm so hella excited to see a new generation of amazing fantasy. F*ck yeah!
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Number Seven. These two authors wrote some of my late elementary school favorites <3 They deserve some love! MIDDLE GRADE DESERVES MORE LOVE <3 <3 <3
Angie Sage // Author of the Septimus Heap Series
My non-reader friend actually introduced me to this series, and I freaking read two in a day. I don't even know how. I had, like, lots of time. These books were fantastic and high fantasy and satisfied that fantasy that I missed when reading Mother Daughter Book Club.
Heather Vogel Frederick // Author of the Mother Daughter Book Club Series and Once Upon a Frog
Ugh, so sorry for the typo on the graphic. The Mother Daughter Book Club encouraged me to pick up more classics, and I just love the simple drama and loving environment all the characters live in. I related to all the characters in some sort of way, and even though they weren't realistic, I just enjoyed that aspect of the series. And she's writing a seventh book? I still reread this series. GIMME. Goodreads | Twitter | Facebook | Blog
JK Rowling // Author of the Harry Potter Series / Queen of Fantasy
Need I say more? I've read the Harry Potter series, and they created my love for reading. I have to thank Jo for she's done, because I'd never be that hyperactive fangirl without her.
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Ally Carter // Author of the Gallagher Girls Series
Everything Ally Carter writes, I'll probably read. She's writes the most interesting mysteries, a genre I don't really read. Also, her writing and stories are so fun and mysterioussssssssss....
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John Flanagan // Author of the Brotherband Chronicles and the Ranger's Apprentice Epic
Yes, I realize he's middle grade. I've only read the first five books of the Ranger's Apprentice, and the first four books in Brotherband, but his fantasies are so interesting, about pirates and ships and yayyyy! :D
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Ahhhh...the very last two.
Rick Riordan // Author of the Percy Jackson series, Heroes of Olympus series, Kane Chronicles trilogy / Professional Troll / King of Fantasy
TROLL. TROLL. TROLL. But seriously, I love you, Uncle Rick. I've read 19 books by him. Does that prove I love his books?
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Cassandra Clare // Author of the Mortal Instruments series and Infernal Devices trilogy / Queen of Urban Fantasy
This bada*s lady has the best ideas for fantasy books. Seriously. 12 Books about Shadowhunters and I'm not tired of 'em.
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We have lots of authors in common!!
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